Partnering with hearing experts to deliver the best care possible
As the connections between hearing loss, cognition and health become clearer, the future of audiology is rapidly changing – with an increasing focus on more holistic hearing health.
It’s a complex and fast-moving landscape but rest assured – we’ll guide you on this journey with the latest research, tools, training and more.
Science has revealed more and more about the risks of dementia. Could our increased understanding be converted into practical prevention plans?
Researchers, academics, scientists, doctors– everyone who works with the brain – are putting their heads together to find out. As it stands today, major actors in public health, like the WHO and the CDC, have been developing strategies to protect against cognitive decline. The task now is to find the best possible ways to practically implement these activities and maximise their impact.
The wealth of data about cognitive function in later life has left us more informed than ever about the risk factors of dementia. A total of 14 potentially modifiable risk factors have been identified by researchers, which account for around 45% of worldwide dementias.
These findings, published by the Lancet Commission in a 2024 report[1], both expanded our knowledge and provided a foundation for various prevention strategies and initiatives. But what about that other 55%? The risks that make up this percentage are currently unknown, but it is suspected that they could be those factors that are harder to quantify, such as genetic predisposition.
There is still a sizeable question mark around the entire story of dementia risk factors. But the insight into those that are potentially modifiable gives us tangible direction about where to direct efforts to make a real difference.
The 14 potentially modifiable risk factors from the 2024 report on dementia prevention, intervention, and care by the Lancet Commission are:
1. Less education
2. Hearing loss
3. High LDL cholesterol
4. Depression
5. Traumatic brain injury
6. Physical inactivity
7. Diabetes
8. Smoking
9. Hypertension
10. Obesity
11. Excessive alcohol
12. Social isolation
13. Air pollution
14. Visual loss
Some of the 14 factors are what many of us would assume them to be – things that pose a risk to health generally –smoking, alcohol, diabetes. Whereas others extend way past what might generally be assumed to lead to cognitive decline – air pollution, hypertension, and even social isolation.
Thinking about the things that might put us at risk of eventually developing dementia is one thing. Considering when these factors actually become risks is another. By putting the risk factors into a life-course model, we are forced to confront the reality that many of these risk factors start way earlier than we expect – and we mean way earlier.
The risk factor that comes first in the life course, and accounts for 5% is less education. This leaves us with a strong reason to believe that the risks begin much earlier than is often talked about. 11 of the 14 risk factors start in early to mid-life and together account for over half of the 45% total risk. Sitting in this age range is one of the most significant risk factors for developing dementia: hearing loss.
Taken in isolation, eliminating hearing loss could alone reduce the risk of developing dementia by 7%, according to The Lancet authors. This is where hearing aids come in. In their review, the authors included multiple studies examining the influence of hearing aids on cognitive decline in people with hearing loss. The consensus was that hearing aid use is protective against hearing loss. Seemingly, of all the factors protecting against cognitive decline in people with hearing loss, hearing aid use was found to be the largest.
“Eliminating hearing loss could alone reduce the risk of developing dementia by 7% – one of the most significant risk factors”
This 7% reduction in dementia prevalence stole the spotlight when the paper was published, and for good reason. However, other researchers in the field have commented on, and in some cases, countered this statistic. In a 2024 article, authors Dawes and Munro challenge this statistic by stating it is a proportional factor to the number of people with hearing loss compared to the other issues in each country[2].It’s an important point to consider.
However, the argument remains that regardless of the potential change in risk across the world, addressing untreated hearing loss continues to have an important role in reducing the prevalence and burden of dementia.
Of course, it is natural to read about all of the ways we might be putting ourselves at risk for developing dementia and start to fret. However, what we can take away from this model is the reassurance that many of these risk factors are also preventable. Which is why it is fundamental that people at all ages of life are made aware about the risks and when they may become at risk.
Then, we can prepare. As the authors themselves state “It is never too early and never too late in the life course for dementia prevention.”
As is the case with our overall health, there is no one, sure-fire route to a life lived in perfect health, or with perfect cognitive function in later life. However, like with many other health issues and diseases, many of the risk factors of dementia can be reduced by leading a healthy life.
Caring for our body, and our brain, is something that needs to happen holistically, with consideration for the many influencing factors. Preventing dementia is not something that happens in a silo. It requires action from every level, starting at with the individual and extending all the way to public health policy.
“It is never too early and never too late in the life course for dementia prevention”
Let’s take hearing care as the prime example. The Lancet paper’s authors suggest initiatives ranging from what people with hearing loss can do themselves, all the way to how governments can rethink their public health strategies. And they’re not the only ones. The authors behind the World Alzheimer Report, in their 2023 edition, also highlight the game-changing influence of treating hearing loss with hearing aids to slow cognitive decline in a way that is cost-effective and scalable.
Their suggestions echo those of The Lancet, in an encouragement to governments and healthcare systems to improve access to hearing devices, particularly in lower- and idle-income countries[3].
Recommendations backed by The Lancet authors’ findings:
Following this advice can put individuals and audiologists alike in a stronger position to minimise the risk of hearing loss.
Publications like the 14-risk factor model for developing dementia only strengthen the
LISTEN TO THIS mission. By sharing findings like these, our ambition is to put information into the hands of those who can do something about it and mobilise collective action. After all, nothing works harder than our brains – it’s the least we can do to say thank you.
Watch the video on 14 Dementia Risk Factors in our previous issue.
Keep an eye out for the next edition of this BEYOND THE DATA series for a new research digest in the escalating hearing and brain health story. Read more insights on hearing and brain health.
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A major recent study of more than half a million people sheds more light on the link between hearing loss and dementia – but what’s the story behind the data?
Avid followers of audiology news might have noticed that the frequency of research on hearing loss and dementia seems to be increasing. This is a trend that’s been gaining momentum over the past decade and is showing no sign of slowing down.
Since the beginning of 2023, in fact, approximately 14,200 studies on this topic have been published1. And with each new publication, the bank of evidence supporting the link between hearing and brain health becomes more and more robust.
One of this year’s first major studies comes from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Published in January 2024, it’s the largest of its kind to date –participated in by a total of 573,088 people over the age of 50.
The study took place in the region of Southern Denmark from 2003 to 2017 where researchers focused on the link between hearing loss and developing dementia. Information on participant hearing was collected from hearing clinics and combined with dementia data. The median follow-up time of the participants was 10 years (range, 0.25to 15.0 years)2,which is considerably higher than the norm.
The findings of the SDU study build upon, and strengthen, those of its predecessors: that hearing loss is associated with cognitive decline, specifically the development of dementia.
The study’s researchers found hearing loss was associated with a 7% higher risk of dementia, which increases to 20% when left untreated. These findings further support the theory that hearing loss may increase the risk of developing dementia, especially when hearing aids aren’t used – study authors suggest that treating hearing loss with hearing aids may reduce this risk3.
“We found that the risk of developing dementia was 20% higher for people who didn’t wear hearing aids compared to people with normal hearing. This suggests that wearing a hearing aid can prevent or delay the development of dementia.”4
Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Research
University of Southern Denmark
Not only does this insight add to existing evidence, but it can also be leveraged in the growing case for better dementia prevention strategies that require a deeper understanding of the link between hearing loss and dementia.
Another insight to be gleaned from this study lies in the way it was set up. Following more than half a million people during a total of 14 years is unprecedented in studies of hearing health and dementia risk. As the authors state, this choice of study design allowed for a more representative study population than many studies that came before it.
Asa result, the SDU study can be seen as an important contribution to the body of evidence thanks to its size, follow-up period and representative sample. Studies of this kind work towards ensuring everyone in the field is working from the best possible vantage point.
So where does this new research leave us? Well, the question now perhaps is no longer whether there’s a relationship between hearing health and brain health. But rather, how does hearing loss affect the brain? And, perhaps even more pressingly – how can the cognitive risks associated with hearing loss be reduced?
With these questions in mind, we can expect to see more and more high-quality studies examining the specific effects of hearing loss on the brain. As well as the influence that wearing hearing aids may have on this.
The authors of the SDU article themselves state the importance of more research around the connection between dementia and hearing loss. And part of the LISTEN TO THIS mission is to monitor the field as it develops and highlight the essential updates as and when they happen.
Ultimately, we may well reach a point where it can be confidently claimed that using hearing aids will reduce the risk of developing dementia for people with hearing loss.
Keep an eye out for the next edition of this BEYOND THE DATA series for a new research digest in the escalating hearing and brain health story. Read more insights on hearing and brain health.
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In part one of this special series, we turn the spotlight to quality of life – asking what are the potential health consequences of an untreated hearing loss?
As the old adage goes – nothing is permanent except change. That’s the simple reality when it comes to hearing. As we get older, the inner ear structures that process sound for the brain gradually break down or become damaged. And unlike other parts of the body, our inner ear cells can’t regenerate, leading to a potential decline in hearing.
It’s perhaps no surprise then that more than 65% of the global population above the age of 60 experience some degree of hearing loss. And within this age group, 25% are experiencing moderate or higher-grade hearing loss1.
As most audiologists will know, age-related hearing loss can be a challenging and frustrating reality for people. Not only for those who have it, but also for the loved ones around them. And its impact can go far beyond a declining sense.
Today, there’s a wealth of evidence indicating how the impact of unaddressed or untreated hearing loss in adults can have a significant impact on overall health – particularly when it comes to quality of life. But just how far reaching can these consequences be?
No matter the degree or stage of hearing loss, it can impact our social, mental, emotional, cognitive, even physical health. Some of the most immediate challenges lie within everyday listening and communication – affecting a person’s ability to talk, share and connect with others in their day-to-day life.
With compromised communication can come social isolation and loneliness. Studies show that an impaired ability to comprehend auditory information and maintain conversations may lead to an avoidance of potentially embarrassing social situations by the affected individual2. And it’s this gradual withdrawal from the world which can lead to a growing sense of loneliness.
The knock of effect of social isolation and loneliness, of course, can be an increased risk of other psychological or cognitive health issues. Ranging from stress, anxiety, and depression to serious cognitive decline and dementia3.
As we’ve explored in other articles on LISTEN TO THIS, hearing loss has been identified as the biggest potentially modifiable risk factor for dementia – accounting for more cases of dementia than other risk factors such as high blood pressure, smoking or head injuries.4
On top of this, many studies shed light on the range of other comorbidities linked to hearing loss, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, mobility restrictions, stroke, arthritis, and cancer. For all these conditions, the prevalence appears to be larger in people experiencing hearing loss, while some studies have found increased rates in those with a hearing loss.5
It’s clear that hearing loss has the potential to negatively impact a person’s quality of life – whether physically, mentally, or socially. And now there’s good evidence to indicate that its affect can be felt even further in terms of poorer education attainment, employment opportunities, economic independence, and productivity in the workplace.6
In this HEARING FOR LIFE series, we’ll deep dive into all these implications and more around life quality – examining just how an untreated hearing loss can affect not only our bodies and brains but also the people, environments, and communities around us.
In part two, we’ll further explore the connection between hearing loss and physical health – looking at the potentially adverse health outcomes.
Let’s be clear – hearing loss isn’t simply an inconvenience of getting older. For audiology experts, it’s a public health issue where we can make a significant impact
Hearing. That precious gift of sound helping us to connect to the people and world around us. A sense so common to everyday life it’s easy to take for granted. So much so that hearing loss is often just seen as a nuisance or an inevitable consequence of ageing.
But the fact is hearing loss is more than a loss of sound; it can be a serious loss of health. Because when it remains unaddressed, it can negatively impact so many aspects of our lives. Potentially bringing mental, emotional, physical, or cognitive health issues1.
Evidence shows how hearing loss can lead to social isolation, loneliness and depression, physical problems with balance, and cognitive decline – even a greater risk of dementia and other chronic diseases2. And yet, many people still underestimate the impact of hearing loss.
Today, more than 1.5 billion people experience some degree of hearing loss. And by 2050 this number is set to grow to 2.5 billion. It’s also estimated that 5% of the current global population – some 430 million people – require care and rehabilitation to address their hearing loss. Which if untreated could impact their quality of life3.
Statistics like these highlight how there’s a significant and growing number of people with hearing loss who are being untreated or underserved. A reality which is ultimately impacting both the health of individuals and the health of society.
According to the World Health Organization, for example, unaddressed hearing loss poses an annual cost of over $980 billion. A figure that includes costs related to health care, education, productivity losses, and societal costs4. But this may only be scratching the surface. Because the more we learn about hearing loss, the more we can expect figures like these to keep rising.
The good news, of course, is that addressing hearing loss with hearing aids can help to improve hearing and speech. As these are solutions that come with virtually no health risks and can only have a positive impact on our ability to communicate and engage with others5.
But good hearing care isn’t just about the immediate need to treat and manage hearing loss. It’s also about long-term preventative health – particularly when it comes to reducing associated health risks such as cognitive decline and dementia.
The question then is are we doing enough? If we know that hearing aids can help prevent serious health problems and improve quality of life, shouldn’t everyone else know this too?
This is exactly the mission of LISTEN TO THIS. We want to get the urgent story out there that an underserved population with hearing loss is an opportunity to not only deliver better hearing care but better health care. That by joining forces, we can keep uncovering more evidence while finding innovative new solutions.
Together, and with your support, we can help to bring hearing care to everyone who needs it. One ear at a time.
Want to know more about the growing link between hearing and brain health?
Check out the story so far here.
With growing evidence around the connection between hearing loss and cognition, what will this mean for patient conversations?
As a hearing care professional, you’ll know how crucial it is to have clear and carefully planned discussions with your patients. Because for many, talking about their hearing needs or concerns can be a sensitive topic.
And now, with new research further supporting the link between hearing loss and dementia, cognition is fast becoming the hot topic in audiology. But does this mean everyone should be talking about it with patients?
If you’ve asked yourself this question let’s talk…
Jumping headfirst into a dialogue about dementia and any potential risk factors would be an alarming prospect for any patient. That’s why it’s always best to start and focus the discussion firmly around hearing care and its holistic benefits, including:
In this way, any conversation around hearing intervention can be framed as a positive and natural part of supporting good hearing health, good cognitive health, and overall wellbeing.
If you’re talking with patients about any noticeable hearing difficulties, conversation strains, or tiredness after socialising, then cognition is in many ways already part of that discussion.
But with new research and ongoing studies, we know more about the relationship between hearing and cognitive health than ever before:
However, for patients, what’s perhaps more important is that any facts like these become a catalyst to help them feel informed and empowered to take a proactive role around their hearing health.
A common patient question might be how does hearing loss impact the brain? Or rather, how can helping your hearing, help your brain? According to Johns Hopkins professor Dr Frank R. Lin, there are three main pathways from hearing loss to cognitive impairment:
The theory, of course, is that good hearing can target all these pathways: reducing load on the brain, providing more stimulation, and helping you be more engaged in life.
It’s well documented that dementia is an under-diagnosed disease due in large part to hesitancy and stigma4. And that there are a range of common early signs of cognitive decline5 which can be detected.
But as a hearing care professional, it’s important to keep in mind that talking about cognitive health with a patient doesn’t constitute a thorough evaluation or diagnosis.
However, if you’re spending time with a patient over several visits, this could be a good opportunity for staying alert to hearing and cognitive issues that may require a screening, referral, or further consultation.
Look out for future LET’S TALK stories where we’ll be diving deeper into some practical tools and knowhow to help you integrate cognition into your clinical conversations.
With rates of dementia rising globally, we explore an emerging path to prevention within the world of audiology
Every three seconds. That’s the rate as which someone in the world develops dementia today. And looking ahead, the number of people living with this disease is projected to soar from 55 million in 2020 to more than 139 million by 20501.
The reality is that while many of us are living longer, healthier lives thanks to continual improvements in health and social care, the global population is seeing an increasingly larger proportion of older people. A demographic often at higher risk of developing dementia.
According to recent data, dementia is the seventh leading cause of death and one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people globally2. All of which begs the question, just what can be done to turn the tide?
On paper, dementia is the umbrella term for several diseases affecting memory, thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday activities. But in real terms, it’s a condition that could potentially overwhelm society – not only impacting those living with it but caregivers, families, communities, and healthcare systems.
Though there’s been some advances in recent years in terms of access to care, dementia is still an under-diagnosed and under-treated disease without a cure3. Identifying effective prevention strategies that can reduce the population-level risks of dementia is becoming a growing priority for governments around the world.
Because while the numbers are rising, dementia isn’t an inevitable part of aging. The research consistently indicates that it can be delayed or prevented by targeting a series of modifiable risk factors – both big and small.
Hearing loss has been identified as the single largest potentially modifiable risk factor for dementia
According the 2020 Lancet report on dementia prevention, there are 12 potentially modifiable risk factors. These include everything from smoking, obesity and diabetes to excessive alcohol, air pollution, and hearing impairment – the latter identified as the single largest factor.
The theory is that if we can modify all these risk factors then we might prevent or delay up to 40% of dementia cases worldwide4. And given the evidence available, the Lancet report is keen to stress that it’s never too early nor too late in the life course for dementia prevention.
It’s clear that lifestyle factors such as education, diet, exercise, and social interaction are hugely important in reducing the risks of dementia. Yet the reality is that not all risk factors are easily modifiable by individuals on their own – despite their best intentions.
And considering the eye-watering projections for dementia – the annual cost of dementia is now above US$ 1.3 trillion and is expected to rise to US$ 2.8 trillion by 20305 – public health bodies, policymakers and more will need to work decisively together to reduce the human and economic costs of dementia.
One area where we can expect to see a movement towards greater preventative management is within the world of hearing and audiology. Particularly since recent research now offers tantalizing evidence that treating hearing loss could slow the rate of cognitive decline for high-risk adults by almost 50%6.
If the science keeps showing that hearing intervention can significantly modify cognitive decline, then we can expect a bright new future where digital tools, ambitious care partnerships, and innovative support services are widespread within audiology.
This, of course, will mean more advanced hearing solutions, such as new in-ear sensors and vocal biomarker technologies – utilizing brain health data to empower end-users in self-monitoring and early intervention.
But perhaps more importantly we’ll see a major change in the way audiology care is delivered – with greater awareness around holistic hearing health, increased access to hearing and cognitive screenings, and ultimately better patient outcomes.
Together, healthcare providers, policymakers, NGOs, and institutions can drive the movement towards better hearing health
To help drive this change, we’ll need a new partnership landscape of healthcare providers, policymakers, NGOs, and institutions – all advocating for hearing health as a critical factor of our overall health. This will enable earlier, more accurate screenings for dementia as well as better assessments for cognitive decline interventions.
All signs point to a potential large-scale shift and movement in how society considers the value of hearing and hearing solutions – that proactive hearing management and the interventions could play a key role in reducing or even preventing the risk of developing dementia.
As this shift happens, audiology experts will not only be in position to empower more people to take care of their hearing and cognitive health. They’ll be at the vanguard of prevention – enabling better health outcomes for patients and caregivers while helping alleviate the long-term societal costs of dementia.
Welcome to the future of hearing health.
As the hearing and dementia story evolves, what will this mean for patients?
We explore the implications here
Hearing health and brain health. It’s a unique relationship that’s getting increasingly more and more attention – but why?
If you’ve been following audiology news recently, chances are you’ve heard about ACHIEVE: the landmark study to determine whether treating hearing loss in older adults could reduce cognitive decline – a potential precursor to dementia. The study’s positive results (see below) have understandably generated a lot of media buzz. But for many audiology experts, the findings support what they’ve suspected for years. That hearing health is vital to overall health, which is why addressing hearing loss can play a key role in promoting cognitive wellbeing. In fact, events over the past decade have increasingly added weight to the hearing and dementia connection. With new research taking this story from enticing to now potentially enormous. Let’s look back at some of the major milestones so far… A connection is made In a watershed 2011 study, Johns Hopkins professor Dr Frank R. Lin and colleagues find that seniors with hearing loss are significantly more likely to develop dementia over time than those who retain their hearing. In fact, those with mild, moderate, or severe hearing loss had a respective twofold, threefold, and fivefold risk of developing dementia. Put simply, the higher the hearing loss, the higher the likelihood of developing this chronic condition. Opening up for more Continuing his run of research, another Lin-led study finds that hearing impairment in older adults is independently associated with accelerated cognitive decline and incident dementia. The study wasn’t yet able to explore if hearing aid use could moderate this association, paving the way for more investigation around hearing loss interventions. Stronger evidence needed Despite the growing link between hearing loss and cognitive decline, there’s caution around whether hearing interventions can delay the onset of dementia. As demonstrated by new World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines stating that there’s insufficient evidence to recommend the use of hearing aids to reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Potentially modifiable risk factors In a Lancet Commission report on dementia prevention, intervention, and care, hearing loss is listed as the biggest potentially modifiable risk factor out of 12. These are factors that might prevent or delay up to 40% of dementias. And as protection against dementia, this meta-analysis report states that hearing aids appear to reduce the excess risk associated with hearing loss. The hearing aid effect A new study in the peer-reviewed Alzheimer's & Dementia journal sets out to examine for the first time the effect of hearing aid usage in the conversion from mild cognitive impairment to dementia. The study finds that hearing aid users with a hearing impairment are at a significantly lower risk of developing all-cause dementia – a conclusion that demands further testing. A real turning point The arrival of the eagerly-anticipated ACHIEVE study – once again led by Dr Frank R. Lin – marks a new chapter in this ever-evolving story. Among its many results, the study finds that for people at higher risk of cognitive decline, hearing intervention could slow its progression by 48%. Suggesting that maintaining good hearing may lower the risk of developing dementia. As the past decade has shown, a lot’s happened to establish hearing loss as one of the potentially biggest risk factors for developing dementia. And now there’s potential proof that intervening with hearing aids may actually reduce this risk. Clearly, more investigation is needed to see how hearing aids provide the cognitive benefits and to better understand the longer-term benefits of hearing intervention. But one thing’s for sure – this is a fast-moving story where audiology experts will do well to get ahead of the curve. Watch this space… [[CTA section]] Want to know more about what the landmark ACHIEVE study tells us? We review the story here
Research suggests that hearing loss is the biggest potentially modifiable risk factor for dementia. So what does this mean for hearing care?
Want to know more about the role of hearing within dementia prevention?
Keep an eye out for the next edition of the BEYOND THE DATA series for a new research digest in the escalating hearing and brain health story. Read more insights on hearing and brain health.
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ACHIEVE is a landmark study of the effect of hearing intervention on brain health in older adults. But what exactly does it tell us? We review the story in 60 seconds
Want to know more about the role of hearing within dementia prevention?
We spotlight the issue here